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 Are you Career/Job focused? 

 Ready to build your Business Brand? 


We are LuxaLink, employing individuals allowing them to focus on their job without the burden of business administration and ATO obligations.

We are taking care of all your business ATO obligations and give you professional support to build your own brand identity.

Your Business Card,

Your Customers.

Our Services

- Supply Invoicing software.

- Supply Expense record software.

- Supply Marketing strategies.

- Supply Payment slips.

- Supply Business Mentoring.

- Supply Academic advice.

- Supply Tax Planning.

- Supply Registered Tax Agent advice.

- Supply more professional Services.

Your Benefits

- Receive weekly Salary.

- Receive Superannuation.

- Receive latest Technology.

- Receive tips to earn more Money.

- Receive Professional Business advice.

- Receive a low admin fee.

- Build Your Career.

- Build Your own Brand.

- Access a Network with many more Benefits.


Subcontractors, Tradies who like to focus on what they do best.  

Individuals starting up a business.

Individuals working as freelancers.

Individuals with a weak business cashflow management skill. 

Individuals with a second job offering one off services on Gumtree ... 

Individuals seeking a mentor to be more confident. 


You can call us on 08 6102 8610 or Start Application or Email us

Start Application

1. Fill in your details. 

2. We will review your application

3. We will contact you with specific info.

4. We will meet in person. 

5. We will provide training to use the software. 

6. We will implement marketing strategies.

7. Continues Improvements. 

Email Us

Success! Message received.

SPECIAL - Free Setup (Save $350)

Application Promo code: 'START'



© 2018 by Luxa Group Pty Ltd T/A LuxaLink. ABN 89 624 003 078

Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 

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